Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Week of Oct. 22

This week we started reading a new chapter book for Reading. The story is called 'Justin and the Best Biscuits in the World.' It is about a young black boy who lives with his mother and two older sisters. He is looking forward to going with his grandpa to stay on a ranch.
In Math, we have been working on adding and subtracting with large numbers, subtracting with number that have zero in them, and using regrouping. We also learned a couple of mental math strategies called compensation and breaking apart.
In Science we read about the Muscular System and the Circulatory System. We got to color, cut-out and glue on muscles, a heart and lungs to our human body cut outs. In Social Studies we have been learning about different landforms and water forms and made a poster showing them.
In Art, we have continued to work on our goober masks and in Phy Ed we have been playing games from foreign countries.
We finished our final drafts of our 'Turnabout' stories and have begun reading a new read aloud book called 'Where the Red Fern Grows' about a young boy and his coon hunting dogs.

-Christopher & Nicholas

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